CIA: United States of America (USA)

The Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) primary mission is to collect, evaluate, and disseminate foreign intelligence to assist the president and senior US government policymakers in making decisions relating to the national security and international policy. The CIA does not make policy; it is an independent source of foreign intelligence information for those who do. The CIA may also engage in covert action at the president’s direction in accordance with applicable law. This has been hugely debated as many controversial acts and operations have been carried out outside of the US, beyond the jurisdiction of its laws and historically within its shores.


Examples are not limited to; Guantanamo Bay detention campMK-Ultra and Operation Sea-Spray.
Guantanom Bay Detention Camp is a United States military prison located within Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, Cuba. Many detained there were not charged with a crime and subjected to ‘enhanced interrogations’ of which many techniques are illegal under US and Human Rights Laws.

Project MK-Ultra was a CIA mind control program, some of which has been recognised to be illegal for unwittingly testing US and Canadian citizens, in the hope to develop a drug that would weaken an individual during interrogations at achieve force confessions through mind control. Techniques included the covert administration of high doses of psychoactive drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals, electroshocks, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, as well as other forms of torture. Mind control has been the holy grail of intelligence agencies, especially when requiring a Manchurian Candidate, meaning an unwilling individual to do the dirty work with no link to the agency. For example the assassination of Senator Bobby F. Kennedy by Sirhan Sirhan and the allegation there may have been a second gunman, or the assassination of John F. Kennedy by Lee Harvey Oswald later killed by Jack Ruby. The ‘Three Tramps‘ investigation matched CIA agents to the tramps escorted by the police on the day coincidentally all in the area of the assassination. Their true identity and involvement remains a conspiracy theory.

Operation Sea-Spray was a U.S. Navy secret experiment in the 1950s where tested bacteria were sprayed over the San Francisco Bay Area in California without the knowledge or consent of the Americans they vow to protect.

By law, the CIA is specifically prohibited from collecting foreign intelligence concerning the domestic activities of US citizens, but after the release from NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and how limited and narrow the term ‘personal privacy‘ has. The National Security Agency (NSA), works closely with the CIA and FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), who all collect intelligence to prevent terrorist attacks. It is because the local intelligence agencies NSA and FBI collect Intel from potential wrongdoers, the restriction line of the CIA to investigate its own citizens becomes very blurred.

By law, the CIA is specifically prohibited from collecting foreign intelligence concerning the domestic activities of US citizens, but after the release from NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and how limited and narrow the term ‘personal privacy‘ has. The National Security Agency (NSA), works closely with the CIA and FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), who all collect intelligence to prevent terrorist attacks. It is because the local intelligence agencies NSA and FBI collect Intel from potential wrongdoers, the restriction line of the CIA to investigate its own citizens becomes very blurred.


After 9/11 the lines the segregate home and foreign terrorists threat investigations have faded. US foreign intelligence involves extensive spying on diplomatic allies and trade partners. UN and EU embassies in New York and Washington have been historically bugged by the NSA, and SCS sites intercept communications of US diplomatic partners overseas. Documents released in the Brazilian media exposed how the US gathers foreign intelligence by spying on participants of the Summit of the Americas and the Organization of American States by analysing data on matters of interest such as oil and energy. One document detailed how successful the pursuance for Iran sanctions after significant support from NSA espionage reports on the UN Security Council.


The NSA has had extensive collaboration from the British Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ). The NSA is know to have paid the UK intelligence agency for access to certain operations. Fibre optic cables were tabbed during the GCHQ Tempora operation which provided both agencies with valuable data. Intelligence and collected data is also shared between the NSA and the intelligence agencies in Germany, Israel and Sweden.